
The warehousing industry has had negative impacts beyond the dock doors in communities across Will and Cook Counties. Through our outreach programs, we provide resources to warehouse workers, as well as the communities that depend on them, in order to address the harms caused by industry and to ensure that workers, families, and the whole community have the support they need.

Our Programs

Know Your Rights

Warehouse workers don’t always have the information they need to create success. At WWJ, we know knowledge is power, so one of the main resources we provide is “Know Your Rights” workshops, where we train workers on their rights in the workplace, and give actionable steps that they can take to empower themselves and their co-workers.

Record Relief

For workers and community members who are ready to move beyond the mistakes of their past and towards a brighter future, we offer legal support to those with criminal backgrounds that hold them back from direct, stable warehouse employment. [Add stat about records and temp work]. 

We are proud to have helped hundreds of people begin their record relief journey through our partnership with Illinois Access to Justice and assistance from Westside Justice Center. If you are interested in learning more about our Record Relief Program, please fill out this form and one of our organizers will reach out to you soon.

Public Health

Our partnership with the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Cook County Department of Public Health has allowed us to bring safe, free vaccines to workers and their families across Will County and Kankakee County, along with important health and safety information to our communities on how to protect themselves, their co-workers, and their families.